In life, there are things that are right and things that are wrong.
But I'll share a secret with you: there are thousands of absolutely right crazy things to do!
Yes, you read that right!!!!
Yes, there are some rules to follow, some things that are definitely right or wrong.
BUT there are moments when you have to let go of the rules, unleash your creativity, and do those absolutely right crazy things. Because these are what make life fun, an extraordinary adventure. It's like they're the happiest notes in a symphony.
So, when you feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland, know that it's perfectly alright! Take the time to explore, discover your quirkiest passions, dance out of rhythm when the music calls.
Always remember that it's in these absolutely right crazy things that the magic of life hides. So, embrace the absurdity, indulge in laughter, and follow your heart into all the strangest adventures that life offers... and be brave to live your life because I promise you ... sometimes life can be really spectacular!
May each of you find your way in the crazy maze of absolutely right crazy things!!!
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Cosa dire.....nulla ....sei TOP!!!!!😘😘😘
😉 grazieeee 😘😘