Ah, the timeless wisdom of two infinite things: the universe and human stupidity.
And let’s be honest, we’re not even sure about the universe!
Now, we’ve all seen it in action. You know, when someone tries to push a door that clearly says “pull,” or when they send you an email asking a question that was answered in the first line of your previous email.
It’s as if human stupidity is its own special kind of magic—just when you think you've seen the peak, someone finds a way to climb a little higher.
But let’s give stupidity some credit.
It’s consistent. It’s reliable.
While scientists are still debating the exact size of the universe, human stupidity has been showing us new horizons since the dawn of time. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving—whether we want it or not!
And while the universe is vast and mysterious, human stupidity is right here at home, on full display, 24/7. It's the kind of thing you can count on.
Sure, the universe might have black holes and galaxies far, far away, but we’ve got flat-Earth theories and people who think microwaving metal is a good idea.
So, while we’re still figuring out the secrets of the cosmos, let’s at least take a moment to appreciate the one true constant in life: human stupidity.
It’s infinite, it’s entertaining, and best of all—it’s always evolving. Who needs space exploration when we can explore the depths of dumb right here on Earth?
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