People have a lot to say about lives they’ve never lived 😂

Published on 15 November 2024 at 13:27

Isn’t it amazing how so many are suddenly experts on every life but their own?


They’ll give you opinions on your choices like it’s their unpaid job.

Maybe they think if they talk enough about what we’re doing, they can keep themselves distracted from dealing with their own chaos.....


Ever notice how it's always the ones who’ve never taken a single risk who are quickest to critique yours?


It's funny—people with the dullest experiences seem to have the loudest commentary.

They have an entire movie running in their heads about what you should be doing, and they think they're the directors, writers, and critics all rolled into one.

Meanwhile, you’re the one actually living.


So here’s the deal: let them talk! 

Every time they give you unsolicited feedback on how you should "live a little less like you," take it as proof you’re doing something right.


Their opinions are just the soundtrack to your life—the background noise to your choices.


Life’s short. Leave the criticism for the critics and keep creating your own story.

If they’re going to talk anyway, you might as well give them something worth talking about!



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