When you're stuck between two choices, flip a coin.
Not because it will decide for you, but because in that fleeting moment when it’s spinning in the air, you’ll finally know what you truly want.
And here’s the catch: you don’t actually need the coin to know...
The coin is a trick—a clever way to silence the noise in your head and hear that quiet voice inside you.
You know the one. The one that whispers : “Come on, stop wasting time. You already know what you want.”
Because let’s be honest, the real problem isn’t deciding. It’s the fear of consequences.
The fear of making the "wrong" choice and having to hear someone smugly say: “Told you so...”
Yeah fine, SO WHAT??!
But let’s cut the nonsense: life isn’t a quiz show where one option is right, and the other is wrong.
Every decision you make is just a ticket to the next ride: If you like it, great. If you don’t, change course!
The only real mistake is staying frozen, waiting for someone—or something else, like a coin—to make the choice for you.
So, flip the coin, sure—but do it for the joy of seeing it fly 😉
Because by the time it lands, the outcome won’t matter. Deep down, you’ll have already decided. So stop playing hide-and-seek with your intuition. Choose the thing that scares you, that excites you, that makes you feel alive.
And if you mess up? Well, at least you’ll do it with style 😉
Enjoy the view then!
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